Hello all. Finally, I wait this moment from I create this blog in 3 years ago until I operate this blog for amuse you all in my blog with good feature. Hehehe. Okay okay. Before I continue, let me introduce my self :
Name : Muhammad Sulaiman.
Place, birthday : Ambon, May, 28 1997.
Live : Somewhere in Indonesia and Jakarta.
Hobby : Much Hobby I always do it to amuse my self.
Quote : " Keep spirit and Never Surrounding "
That's all about myself. Don't be much because..... I don't know what I can speak after. Hehehehe -_-
Before, I would to thanks to My God, Allah SWT, until here I can't set my blog until I operate it to amuse the reader, firstly you are my viewer in my post. Because I can't speak so long in this blog, I would thanks to you all because you're the first viewer in my blog.
Btw, in my blog, I would to try share everything about my post, what I have idea in my mind, heheheh and I would to try to post in multi-language. And, firstly, in my blog maybe I always use Bahasa to post my blog. Heheheh, But, once more, I would try to post my posting in multi-language.
And, at last I will post my posting with positive mind and not share every think in negative mind ( You know what I mean ). And, I apologize if my posting is so bad or you think isn't okay for you or my English not good because I try to post with multi-language. And, I want for you all give a respond in comment column with good language because I, an Indonesia people teach you to how be a good respondent in social media :). Or, if you think my post is interest, you can share my post to your all social media. I would thanks to your all respect for me. And, if you want to follow my new post/ or update my post, you can add my social media in below :
Twitter : sulaiman2805 & sulaiman_2805
Path : sulaiman2805@gmail.com
Instagram : sulaiman_2805
So, at the end. Thank You and PLEASE ENJOY IT :D :D :D
Bye-bye All
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